how to Fight for diverse representation and empowerment in sex for disabled people?

Empower disabled people to tell their own stories.

The idea

disability ain’t inability



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Durex sponsors 10 Tv shows and films across mainstream media that have an interest in adding a disabled writer into their team of writers.


durex trains these writers, and production companies give them a job.
they write from their experience.

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Productions involved in the Durex diversity media fund release the shows all at the same time, and durex in collaboration with brandon STANTON (humans of new york), releases a campaign called humans of ability.

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Ad campaign -  TV spot 

A collection of close-ups featuring people with disabilities having sex,lips biting, tongues kissing, hands holding, eyes crying, laughing etc. All types of couples, trios,all genders,  diverse range of people. 

The following copy is heard on voiceover

I am able to go, I am able to run, I am able to hold hands, I am able to french, I am able to think about it, I am able to stand for myself, I am able to touch, to tease, to cruise, to role play. I am able to have fun. I am able to dress up, dress off, I am able to dance till dawn , I am able to not go to bed, I am able to make him feel, I am able to make myself feel even more, I am able to scratch his back, to make him cry, I am able to make her head spin, I am able to not be on the mood ,I am able to stop, I am able to be dumped, I am able to go ape shit, I am able to survive, I am able to explore, to cheat, to flirt. I am able to laugh, I am able to cry, to scream, I am able to eat tons of comfort food, get my heart broken and smash other  hearts.I am able to set my own boundaries, I am able to give consent, I am able to say no, to leave,to stay, to love.

I am able to play.

*Every shot should feature someone with a disability, they should be in contact with disabled and able-bodied people. 

Voice-over should cast an actor with a disability that affects their speech.


the ad campaign would close with A week long festival with talks, debates, workshops, performance and parties around Diversity in sexuality.

During the event, meetings between local governors, CEO’s of sex-positive brands, and disability activists are put in place, to design a common strategy to tackle this issue.

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